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Winter is Coming

2 May

The other day I picked up just the most kickass mug that I have ever owned at Chapters.
They had a whole series of Game of Thrones mugs, one for a bunch of the different houses.
I waffled a bit between Stark and Targaryen (Speaking of Targaryen look at this amazing Daenerys Pullip *_* ) but in the end I decided on Stark because “Winter is Coming” is badass and I am Canadian, so I feel that I have something in common with the Starks.
This is definitely the kind of mug one wants to drink mead out of.

In some slightly related collecting, I picked up a new set of Chessex dice as well.
They didn’t serve me very well in my Pathfinder game last Sunday, but they are very pretty.
Ill give them one more game to roll better or I may not use them anymore.
