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16 Oct

Hey hey hey!
So I tend to be fairly diverse in my online projects and endeavours. And Iv just started up a new thing!
Recently, my husband and I have begun recording a bi-weekly podcast, every Sunday and Wednesday. Its not exclusively about toy collecting, but we are a couple of dorks and collecting does come up from time to time as well as whatever nerdy movies or video games weve been gushing over. It also always features bizzar Canadian factoids, because we are Canadian.
I dunno if that sort of tomfoolery would interest you, but if it does, please check us out, it would make our day 🙂

Ive been Showcased!

22 May

collector-spotlight-200Im super thrilled to say that I have been showcased on one of my favourite doll collecting blogs out there; Confessions of a Doll Collectors Daughter. It’s an interview style look into my collection and my history with collecting, and was a lot of fun to do. Its very special to me to be a part of the larger doll community online! You can get to my showcase post by clicking that cute little button there, hope you enjoy!

MAKIE Unboxing/Faceup

5 May

So a week or so ago I finished up and posted the Unboxing and Faceup video for my Makie doll Goblyn.
What also happened is that the company that makes Makies saw and loved the video! They were nice enough to send me a discount code to share with my YouTube viewers, and I thought I would plug it over here as well. Untill the end of the month, you can get 10% off your first Makie purchase. Just use the code PIXIEBLOSSOM at checkout!

Goblyns Bodyup

12 Apr

So I also painted Goblyns body a bit! It is now a bit more anatomically correct though, so its more on the NSFW side of things.
Iv posted a photo on DeviantART, under a mature tag. 🙂

Goblyns Faceup (Full Body)

Gypsy Danger

2 Jan


While it may not be the most common opinion, Pacific Rim was hands down my absolute favourite film of 2013.
I guess Im just really getting tired of the current trend in movies and TV to be as super dark and gritty as possible. I like ridiculous and fun stories about heroic heros who save the day. Don’t get me wrong, Im as into Game of Thrones as the next crazy nerd girl, but Im also into My Little Pony and Adventure Time. I like fun, uplifting stories, and Ill be darned if a movie about giant mechs punching giant monsters dosnt fit the bill.

GypsyDanger02 GypsyDanger03

I was very excited that NECA made Pacific Rim action figures. Only problem is that none of the stores in my town ever got them in stock. Toys R Us never got it, and even the local nerd retailers didn’t bother with them. I was pretty much sure Id have to just order it online at some point, but lo! I found Gypsy Danger whilst out of town when we happened into a comic book shop. While the price was a little steep (30$, ouch) I’d been wanting Gypsy Danger for a while, so I snatched it up then and there.

GypsyDanger04 GypsyDanger05

And this is indeed a seriously cool looking toy. He looks worn and battle damaged. The detail on him is absolutely stunning, as one has come to expect of course from NECA. Hes articulated at the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists and waist. And he comes with two kick ass blades. They don’t stay in very well if your handling it a lot, but standing on the shelf he looks freaking PIMP.

Merry Christmas to me I guess! I want more Pacific Rim.


13 Jul

So since my doll collection is growing a little bit now and dosnt seem to show any signs of stopping any time soon, the places to PUT these dolls was starting to run a bit thin and my bookshelves were starting to look a tad cluttered.
So today I bought a new shelf just for displaying my dolls! What fun! The Monster High dolls have their own spot on a different shelf, but these are the ones who were kind of needing a new space.

ShelfFull  ShelfTop ShelfMiddle

Since Im still pretty new to doll collecting, there aren’t quite enough of them to fill it out yet as you see, so I put the Blythe/MLP centaur and Woobat with them to kind of fill it out a bit. As I get more dolls they will probably move back with the ponies and pokemon stuff respectively!
And there is still a whole third shelf just waiting to be filled! Now I don’t have to worry with every purchase “Do I have somewhere to put this….?”

At least, not for a little while!